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The Paper Train Express

"Over 1000 Posts...Posted!"



this list is proving harder to complete than I thought... should've set my goal posts even SHORTER


maybe next year. or maybe I'm on the road to success...



1000th POST

 ok this time im deleting pte for real



Home for a rest

 Just spent the last week visiting New City again! It was nice to visit with friends and family out there. 

I skied for half the trip, which still remains safer than essays writing 😎 I've become a speed demon compared to my younger self, albeit the Wind Chill tried to level me quite a few times. My face is still recovering! 

I also tried Yucca fries, which I now crave to have again ✅ They were similar to potato, but lighter and crispier. Maybe I've had too many shoddy fries at this point, or just one set of really well cooked yucca ones..