If you've never heard the name 'Eric Riccy', I'm sorry, you have now and there is no undo button.
As you might've guessed, I draw stuff sometimes. Everything I draw has a unique style because I tried advanced drawing class once, and learned my skills... limits.
I come from, and now live again, in the city endearingly referred to as "Hometown." I have resided on and off (and still reference) in another place known as "New City". This name chosen because that city's rapid expansion has led to everything around being very new.
I created The Paper Train Express during a blog craze among friends in 2009. Seen above is my former nemesis in the blog world, Snowfire. She used to manage the
On the topic of friend's blogs, another riveting blog is Miss Brekel. (This plug may be secretly to help me to remember to check it for updates, but no one will ever know that...)
Aside from my pseudonym, I also have a character I made as a parody of myself. Flaws and all included. He is pictured above, and below, etc. I often put him in all the banners I design, mocking something about myself.
I try to write stuff sometimes too. Essays never pan out well though. I'm safer on a mountain than I am working with essays. This is fact.
But I have a certain someone in my life who keeps me good.
Or tries to, at least.
Is there too many pictures? I swear pictures are half the draw of PTE.
Speaking of draw though, I need to draw more so I can get farther away from copyright issues... Someday I'll make this blog self-sufficient!™
Slogan not actually trademarked or guaranteed.
I hope you enjoy my posts! As always, more coming maybe.
Also if you've managed your way from my other sites/accounts, yes, I'm That Eric Riccy.