The Paper Train Express is a blog, run by Eric Riccy and Dyland.
"Why visit?" you should be asking.
PTE gets updated with new posts!*
Every post has a picture/video! (Every picture comes from either the internet or made by Eric Riccy, PTE is non-profitable and claims no ownership on pictures/videos taken from the internet...)
Each post is about the goings on of Eric Riccy, Dyland, or music in some way.. or whatever else we can think to post.
Feel free to read 'em, comment at us for making them, and continue reading em, until there's no new posts to read!
"Why visit?" you should be asking.
PTE gets updated with new posts!*
Every post has a picture/video! (Every picture comes from either the internet or made by Eric Riccy, PTE is non-profitable and claims no ownership on pictures/videos taken from the internet...)
Each post is about the goings on of Eric Riccy, Dyland, or music in some way.. or whatever else we can think to post.
Feel free to read 'em, comment at us for making them, and continue reading em, until there's no new posts to read!
Or until PTE shuts down, of course.
*Posting rate may vary.
Other features of this infamous bandwidth waster is the other pages!
Posts is where every post is made, and is the part that gets the whenever+* update.
What is PTE? is the page you're currently on!
Dyland is a bio page for Dyland.
Eric Riccy is a bio page for Eric Riccy.
Banners is a page full of PTE's many previous headers, when PTE's design featured a picture header at the top. All banners were made by Eric Riccy.
*Posting rate may vary.
Other features of this infamous bandwidth waster is the other pages!
Posts is where every post is made, and is the part that gets the whenever+* update.
What is PTE? is the page you're currently on!
Dyland is a bio page for Dyland.
Eric Riccy is a bio page for Eric Riccy.
Banners is a page full of PTE's many previous headers, when PTE's design featured a picture header at the top. All banners were made by Eric Riccy.
Characters of Ric Olzow is a page that features information about characters created by Eric Riccy. These characters appear in PTE Posts, PTE banners, and often appear in media content made by Eric Riccy in general.
Page changes will always occur.
If interested, here's this!:
PTE - Paper Train Express
Page changes will always occur.
If interested, here's this!:
PTE - Paper Train Express
PTErs (pters) - People who are part of the Paper Train Express Community
PEOPLE [As sometimes seen in banners!]
Eric Riccy - The one who maintains PTE. Is portrayed as brown haired with green eyes, wearing a grey jacket with green shirt.
Dyland - Second in command for PTE. The first New City PTE reader. Appears in banners as blonde man with glasses, a red T-shirt and ball cap, both sporting a "Dopyrights" logo.
PEOPLE [As sometimes seen in banners!]
Eric Riccy - The one who maintains PTE. Is portrayed as brown haired with green eyes, wearing a grey jacket with green shirt.
Dyland - Second in command for PTE. The first New City PTE reader. Appears in banners as blonde man with glasses, a red T-shirt and ball cap, both sporting a "Dopyrights" logo.
Kaitlin - A brunette woman with a grey sweater and greyish-blue eyes. Wife of Eric Riccy. Appears in quite a few PTE banners.
Sophie-Marie - A ginger haired lady with glasses in a grey sweater. Appeared in some PTE banners. Member of the PTE Network. Fiancee of Dyland.
Snowfire - Depicted as a woman with blonde hair and glasses. She is the mastermind behind PTE's former nemesis blog, Kitty Kitty-Nya. Most infamous for having hacked PTE, and turning it purple. Appears in some PTE banners.
MissBrekel - Vlogger and blogger who's insights help shape PTE. Appears in some PTE banners, as a blonde woman with grey shirt. Probably facepalming.
PJ - Long time PTEr who's put up with more Ric-Olzow content than you can imagine. Appears in some PTE banners, as brown haired man with black sweater and red t-shirt.
GamerJay - PTE's "comment master". Appears in some PTE banners, as black haired man with brown sweater and blue T-shirt. PTE's K-Day contest winner, 2014.
Zoo - [No information found]
Places [There's 2.]
Hometown - City where Eric Riccy grew up and moved away from and came back and moved away from and resides.
New City - City where Eric Riccy moved to and away from and to and from.
Things [Characters, Holidays, Etc.]
Cafe-chan -"IT'S DEAD" -PJ
A forum made in 2009 using the "Ib4f" (image board 4 free) service. The service was shut down due to other forums being used for illicit activities. While existent, Cafe-chan was infamously terrible with zero traffic. It's slogan was "Still wasting bandwidth!". PTE is
Internetwork Day - March 18, Commemorates the creation date of the original Internetwork. Sometimes celebrated as it led to the creative boom that led to the Ric-Olzow characters, the creation of Ric-Olzow Music, Jenny Series and more.
Jenny Boliparte - Character of Eric Riccy. Brunette woman with blue hoodie and long ponytail. ("She looks really boring" - Anonymous, 2015)
Amy Raasolae - Character of Eric Riccy. Blonde wavy-haired woman often in a red sweater.
Ric Olzow - Character of Eric Riccy. Quite literally, as he plays a double role of being a stand-alone character and of representing Eric Riccy when applicable. Is portrayed as brown haired with green eyes, wearing a grey jacket with green shirt.
Taylor Poshibole - Character of Eric Riccy. Blonde woman with hair that typically goes over one eye. Often seen in a green sweater, sometimes wearing glasses.
Tino Jackson Dude - Character of Eric Riccy. Spiky black haired man with sunglasses. The epitome of coolness.™ ("What a cool dude" - Ric's mom, ∞)
Tim Junt - Character of Eric Riccy. Black haired man with green sweater with a '7' on it. (The 7 is for his supposed creation date. Despite this, the date is constantly forgotten anyway.)
Amy Day - November 22, character birthday of Amy Raasolae, which is the day that marks the approximate creation date of Amy Raasolae. All other character birthdays referred below refer to actual or approximate creation dates.
Jenny Day - December 12, character birthday of Jenny Boliparte. Due to its overlap with a more important day, it is always overshadowed and forgotten.
TayDay - May 9, character birthday of Taylor Poshibole. Pulling "Shenanigans" is considered the appropriate celebration tactic.
Tino Day - June 28, coincidentally 1 day after Sunglasses Day. Character birthday of Tino Jackson Dude.
Tim Day - March 7, Character birthday of Tim Junt. Constantly forgotten and mixed up with Taylor's birthday. Missed every year since being decided in 2011.
K-Day (December 23) - A magical holiday. Nobody knows what the K stands for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No connection to the Edmonton Event.
Endless 8 (August ∞-31) - ∞
Brutal Week - A particularly stressful or unlucky week. Depending on the events that occur, the nicknames for each day go as followed: Melancholy Monday, Turbulent Tuesday, Wrathful Wednesday, Toxic Thursday, Fatality Friday, Shattering Saturday, Somber Sunday.
In these modern times, Brutal Weeks have become moot, as the years themselves have taken the title.
Lore changes will occur.
Lore changes will occur.