The Fear

As plans and operations on the whole Riccion ordeal turn to a familiar turmoil, It's nice to come back here and be able to look back at Animanga-R and think 'Well, That's my problem...later.' I realize it's happened before, but meh, I'll figure out what I should about it, about everything, eventually. And then everything will be good! I realize I'm being optimistic. It's new for me. Blame Ashley.

As for my projects, I don't know how to explain it, I'm just procrastinating to do them. I'm holding off finishing the kinky project til the stupid project is done. And I'm holding off doing the stupid project because it hurts my voice doing the recordings. The main problem and reason it happens is, the voices I do strain my vocal chords, so my vocal chords hurting happens to be inevitable.
I will have to finish it eventually though.

As far as school goes, It's basically finished. I have 2 exams left, one tomorrow afternoon as a matter of fact. The roughest one happens to be tomorrow, so after tomorrow afternoon, I shall be next to being stress-free. The exam on the 21st will still be a bit of stress, but I won't let it worry me until the weekend.

As far as July goes, All I know is that we're planning on going on the 14th. And we're planning to be at the cabin from the 17th to the 24th. And somewhere between the 25th and 31st we're planning on going to the states. And hopefully I'll be able to see my friends within these time limits as well.

As to keep with the pattern, I'm beginning this last paragraph with 'As' as well. On a different note, the title of this note happens to be taken from a cool song: 'The Fear' By Lily Allen. She's making it hard for me to dislike British people. :P

I didn't draw this, but I did edit it. :P
(Original Drawing by Egoraptor, Edited by Ric-Olzow)

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