A window to the past

While I was digging through some CDs for the old sphere FX inc. logo, I found this and thought you'd all get a kick out of what I sounded like 3-4 years ago: (Also sorry its a bit hard to read, but I'm not editing the colour of the answers 65 times.)

**Ric Olzow’s Insanely random and de-meaning 65 question quiz** Note: created while listening to weird songs.

1.Do you drink coke? Ric: yep

2.Do you like music? Ric: Yep

3.Have you been kissed? Ric: on the cheek

4.What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten? Ric: Seaweed.

5.Do you like school? Ric: not really

6.Are you a heterosexual? Ric: Definitely

7.What’s your favourite colour? Ric: emerald, but not the gem

8.Are you crazy? Ric: oh yeah!

9.Do people think of you as ‘cool’? Ric: Nope.

10.Have you been in an ally at night before? Ric: no and not about too.

11.What is your favourite song? Ric: I have a lot.

12.What has been your best day? Ric: The day I met my closest friends.

13.Are you illiterate? Ric: What do you think?

14.Do you enjoy show tunes? Ric: no.

15.Do you like ‘phantom of the Opera’? Ric: no.

16.Do you have a cell phone? Ric: Yeah but it sucks.

17.Vanilla ice cream or chocolate swirl? Ric: Vanilla!!! Mmm…

18.Who do you want to marry if you had to marry someone right now? Ric:

19.Have you ever killed a fish? Ric: Yeah I m a murderer I killed a fish then ate him for dinner! Hahahhaha!

20.What is your favourite Soap? Ric: Axe man. They make shower gel, body spray and so on…

21.Fish eggs or Justin Timberlake? Ric: fish eggs Yo.

22.Are you racist? Ric: NO. Though the song does go (8)everyone’s a little bit racist, today. Everyone’s a little bit racist, ok! (8)

23.Did you ever play ‘dolls’? Ric: erm…

24.Are you lesbian or gay? Ric: no and no.

25.Does someone think you’re cute? Ric: me no know but me thinks so

26.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Ric: no…t yet. Hehehe…

27.Are you desperate? Ric: no.


29.Do you support MADD? Ric: erm im not a mom Yo.

30.Have you ever done anything illegal? Ric: this quiz? Other than that grand theft auto. JK no just took a chocolate bar in grade 3 but it was confiscated with no charge.

31.Are you a pervert? Ric: No im called that a lot…

32.left or right handed? Ric: Right-handed writing left handed aiming.

33.do you still wet the bed? Ric: no.

34.Are you evil? Ric: …mwahahhaahaha no. Does it show?

35.Do you believe in god? Ric: I believe in 3: Jesus Christ, Buddha and Pyrathor, the chemical god. (Which only I believe in.)

36.Are you Pregnant? Ric: -checks tummy- nope.

37.Do you like G-war? Ric: never heard one of their songs.

38.Bush or Nixon for president of US? Ric: Bush will kill the world, but Nixon will just kill America. I say Nixon.

39.Hamster or ferret? Ric: Hamster

40.Imbreed or Purebred dog? Ric: doesn’t matter

41.Country or polka music? Ric: POLKA!!!!

42.Who do you think likes you? Ric: I say nothing.

43.Have you ever been in love? Ric: I still say nothing.

44.Who’s cooler-Simon or Paula? Ric: Simon!!!

45.Do you like cheese? Ric: YEAH!

46.Do one of the people you are sending this quiz to love you? Ric: I dunno. Probably.

47.Do you ever feel lonely? Ric: At school, yeah most of the time. At home, Never.

48.Are you Nosy? Ric: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe

49.do you eavesdrop? Ric: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe

50.Science or Gym? Ric: both?

51.Did you ever have a crush on one of your teachers? Ric: EWWWW NO. But I know someone how does/did.

52.Who was your first crush (if you remember)? Ric: Natasha. Long time ago. Irony, she was blond.

53.Do you dance? Ric: Not very good

54.Can you sing? Ric: NOPE! =)

55.What is your favourite comedy Movie? Ric: I would hafta say…. Does ‘John tucker must die’ count?

56.Have you ever seen porn? Ric: hmm…no.

57.California or Bahamas? Ric: Hey Mon I am all up for Bahamas! it is the life Mon!

58.Spoof or real movie? Ric: spooftastic is the best

59.Pop-up or Spam? Ric: pop-up?

60.Ps3, Wii or X-box 360? Ric: Wii

61.Who you want to be trapped on a little island in the middle of nowhere with? Ric:…hm. that’s a toughie. I’d hafta say…it depends on how long.

62.Have you ever done drugs? Ric: I tried sniffing coke once but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose.

63.What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done? Ric: this quiz

64.Sk8r or Punk? Ric: Sk8r

65.Do you like Ric (if you know him)? Ric: Nah. He’s an idiot jerk off with 20 personalities. In my perspective, He’s a loonatic who escaped the asylum 5 years ago.


  1. You know that old sucky cell phone? from like grade eight? Yeah it's in my room.

    Also, John Tucker Must Die is hilarious.
