Party hard mode over, no more autoplaying music!


I got this weekend only to finish all my projects for advanced drawing. >( Monday will be a bombshell of a hell of a terribad day, Not only do I have to go try to hand in projects of advanced drawing to a pissed off teacher who basically hates my guts, I have the hardest exam which defines whether I go to university or not right after. ITS LIKE ALL THE BAD THINGS CONDENSED AND NOW THEY'RE COMING REALLY SOON.

Monday Aside, after that there is only 2 exam days left, which Terribad Monday is the LA exam part A, aka 'ESSAY WRITING'. Pro-tip: Still can't write good essays. At least I know how to format/spell-check now though. (Thanks PJ!)
Thursday will be the Exam part B for LA, which is Multiple Choice. The next Thursday thereafter will be the Math Exam.

*By freedom, I mean having the summer to work on Jenny's Quiz, have some fun, and get things set up for even more harder, painful, difficult work. Life's a bitch.