Well that was smart.

So I was watching this thing about all these crazy stories where people died and long story short there was one where these two guys got high before work and decided to mess around, one guy was driving a truck and the other was on a little platform with wheels with a rope tied around himself connected to the truck with the rope dragging behind. So the guy in the truck turns the corner and the trailing rope catches on something and the guy on the platform gets stuck with the truck guy still driving and so the rope rips straight through his torso, and this show did the whole reenactment thing too (right down to the guts spilling out).

tl;dr I managed to become so disturbed that I actually went into shock.
And blacked out.



  1. 1000 Ways To Die on Spike T.V?
    Also, I’ve done that on a skateboard but have been smart enough to not tie the rope on me and let go if something shitty happens.
    You’re not on Msn anymore :( Well the past few days anyway.

  2. Haha yeah, that's where it was from.
    And That's good.
    And yeah, sorry :( Been busy with stuff, I'll try to be on again sometime soon.

  3. It’s cool brah. I leave tomorrow anyways.
