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Redesign, Rectify, Re-purpose?

As I've recently gotten flash, I've taken a stab at getting some work done, one of my projects involving a different blog idea I'm working on. While I was doing so, I took a moment to examine PTE. I realized this blog is currently purposeless, as it was mostly a 'hey guise im stuck in new city heres a post because im not dead and you get to know whats going on with my life'.

I also realized that if I am going to make a new picture each post, post quantity is going to have to slow down, as its hard to bring myself to work in flash and come up with new ideas and new pictures every 3 days. (I'm a perfectionist and Flash can be very frustrating.)

I'm still thinking about where I'm going next with this blog. I know that certain members of this blog won't be around Hometown for long, so I was thinking about keeping it as a 'whats goin on with ric' blog. I've pondered the idea of also doing comics, but I've always kept PTE a 'riccys personal blog of noobness', and the idea of trying to make it more public, not only could backfire profusely, but I'm not too comfortable with it either. If anything, I'd rather do that idea in a seperate blog, but after the Animanga-R blog, I'm not exactly feeling like jumping into extra blog projects atm. (Not counting TGB)

In other news, My sister is a dicknugget. More on that later.

Yay for The Best PTE Logo I've had so far! :P


  1. Well I know I've always used my blog as a personal rant space and what's up with me so people can sorta stay in touch. It works for me.

  2. @Snowfire: Yeah I'm thinking I might keep this blog personal. I haven't decided if I'm going to go through the effort of drawing stuff for it, I'm thinking probably not, it'll be extra effort plus I've already made like over 9000 posts with not-my-drawn-content. Unless blogger or the owner of said images asks me to remove it, I can only assume it's alright to keep doing what I'm doing.

    @Enzo: Haha YEAH! I might do some for TGB. :P
