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Behind the Short Posts

Things are crazy.

I know this beautiful girl who I really like but I can't seem to find the right moment to talk to her and tell her I feel about her.
I've thought about just texting her but thanks to some relationshippers, I'm afraid of how she'd take it now.
I'm stuck in a rut and them relationshippers just keep questioning my manliness, my assertiveness and other traits. Some drama has occured because of this. I'm not trying to make Relationshippers out to be bad people, because they have good intention, but they don't seem to know what theyre saying. It sounds better in their mind than I seem to interpret at least.

I don't even know what to do anymore, and I'm getting sick of the advice. I'm getting sick of 'OMG BUDDY ITS SO SIMPLE YOURE MAKING IT HARDER THAN IT SHOULD BE'
Maybe I'm a little rattled because I was persuing a different girl not too long before this and it didn't go to well, thanks to, you guessed it, relationshippers. But no relationshipper seems to factor that in, they seem to take everything at face value and blam me whilest I stall. I shouldn't stall, but once again, I just dunno what to do.

Being lost sucks. Then, factoring in the stress of school, and everything gets a lot worse. When I'm not stressing about assignments that aren't done, I stress about above. When I'm not stressing about that, I'm stressing about school. I shouldn't be stressed about either. I kinda feel like I should just move back, back to New City. Take some time, go learn animation at some college or whatever. Live at home for a bit, til I get myself some direction, some confidence, some skill.
But then I look at it and it seems like I'm just trying to run from my problems.

I know these problems are probably small and insignificant, and that I'm probably stressing out for nothing. But dammit, I'm stressing.

I wish I could just make a bunch of animations, get famous, get rich, get confident, and make everything awesome.
If only it were that simple...


  1. Hey man, anything that's stressing you out so much can't be small and insignificant. And from what I hear, first year is just hell for a lot of people, because it's a huge change and a lot of work and the courses you have to take aren't always the classes you're actually interested in. But I've talked to upper year students, and they all say it gets better, a lot better. I know what you mean about wanting to give up and go home, it seems so much easier. But just remember, this is what you've wanted for a long time. Going home probably won't give you any more direction in your life, and even if you did there would probably be stress there too. And hey you know what, there's nothing wrong with waiting when you like someone! People have a tendency to be nosy, but try to ignore them, and take things at your own pace. If it's meant to happen it will. If you need a listening ear I'm always here with open ears :)

  2. I suppose so :/ Yeah its a shift in workload and the courses all seem like mistakes. I hope it does get better over time, Because I'd hate to feel like I'm trapped trying to be an Architect. :(
    Going home does present different opportunities, such as car access, free rent, never worrying about needing to buy food, all things which would help me concentrate more. The downside is the lack of social contact, though after dealing with it for 3 years before, it would not feel as damaging now. The other idea that going home presents is coming back later when I want to, but then that lends itself to many other outcomes.

    And You're the first person to say that. Everyone else has told me that if I don't hurry up she'll lose interest and won't like me anymore and other crap like that. I really like her, and hearing that crap just discourages me.
    But I'm definitely taking up that ideology, and I'll definitely keep your offer in mind. :)

  3. Broski, there’s never such thing as a right way to do things or a wrong way...there’s only your way and your way only. Life is all about risks. Trust yourself man, you know more about this shit then you think. And you’re only over thinking a ton because everything you’ve done in the past months are a huge change. Everything will ease down, I know it will.

  4. Yeah hey, you've only been in town for a couple months, so it can't even be that long since you started liking her, right? It's fine to wait. Just do what your heart tells you. Cheesy, but it's what you gotta do. And you're never trapped into one path, you can change your mind and do something else. It may take a little longer to graduate than you initially planned, but that doesn't actually matter. And if you think you don't wanna do the courses you have next term you could try to get them changed, though many classes may be full.

  5. i am here for u man

  6. @Enzo Thats an interesting thought. I always presume my way is the wrong way though :P But yeah you make a good point, life is all about the risk. And you're probably right, I might be having trouble because i havent adjusted that much yet. I think I like to think that I have adjusted more than I really have :S

    @Snowfire That is true, I have only had interest in her for but a few weeks, and didn't really know her much before then.
    And I suppose, its just pricey to switch paths. Though at some point I'm going to have to pay for my uni, so I'd rather not waste money on something I don't even care for.
    I'll likely stick with some courses but I'm definitely seeing the Councillor when November rolls around.
