Sidetracking from Essay Writing and what it's revealed to me

- In terms of comics, It seems to me that some have done what I do but with less effort and more success.
- I'm a visual, spatial, independent, half-creative, half-pragmatic, half-applied, half-conceptual learner.
- That I could've used this book I'm reading for my last essay. FFFFFFFFFFF-
- That I have trouble with essays, because I do not like writing them, and therefore causes me to not want to, which therefore causes me not to.
- I'm wasting "Precious Essay Writing Time" making this post, and I don't care.
- I don't know how to become a known comic-writer
- Even if I found out I don't know if I would do anything about it due to my passive nature and lack of social skills.
- I enjoy pictures
- My visual learning curve and enjoyment of images may be why I love animation (and like film)
- The only reason I'm not doing film is I can't see myself succeeding in it at all, especially with my independent anti-social nature. (And my self perception of succeeding at constant failure, I'd say laziness too but making films essay writing)
- I only hate math because my base knowledge on math is lacking and I haven't tried to improve it.
- I like coding for the sole purpose of 'making cool things happen'
- I have no idea how to make a portfolio, which comically was the entire point of CBD.
- Part of the reason I have trouble with making Ric Olzow stuff is the clash between Realgen and RicGen, Where realgen is people, places and things that are real or based off of something real, and RicGen are people, places and things that have been entirely created by my imagination.
Ex: Pj is Realgen, Riccy is often considered Realgen as I tend to use him to portray myself. *Note: Ric Me*
Amy Raasolae, Jenny Boliparte, Tino and Tim, Taylor, all Ricgens.
--> Why Always involved Ric with the Ricgens? and why not just do a Realgen comic?
- Ric was created to be the ultimate main character, and everything that has been created has only been created when he HAS been in the spotlight. Psychoanalyze that if you really want to.
Realgens have been a pitched idea since the Internetwork, and to some extent the Internetwork is why I haven't cared to try realgens: When you portray people, their characters are expected to be exactly them, thus you literally need to know other people to a physically impossible extreme. The only reason Ric olzow works is because I used myself as a basis. And Pj is actually quite inaccurate, but I just have him be the 'film guy who gets annoyed by Riccy'. In general that's all I ever portrayed his character as, either being annoyed by or trolling Riccy.

There's probably more I could say, But I gotta get back to "Writing" this essay.
(Lol, Rhymed. Whaddup)


  1. Dude, we GOTTA FUCKEN CHILL! Plus, drugs have opened my creative door in my brain over the years so I can pitch you ideas for comics. Also, I think you should do a mix of the RealGen and RicGen. Meaning you’ll have two separate webcomic series thus making it more interesting to the readers and open to many different ideas for you to come up with. PS FUCK METALICA! ...besides the song one...

  2. ehhh I'm mostly uncertainy about doing anything much with realgen :S

    but yee we gotta chill sometime :P and rule 13 stands, lol.
