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Today has proven that JQ anticipation is rising.
A unexpected rise of frustration occured earlier today when JQ testers learned that JQ's production had been bumped yet again by Eric Riccy, when he decided to take on another project: a small series of silly comics. (The name of which he refused to release.) The outrage only rose when it was found out they were being quick produced and posted like spam.
"Erryone just wants JQ done. But I get distracted, y'know?" Says Eric Riccy, "Plus my intentions were of the utmost good. But I understand where they're coming from. They just want to see it finished as much as I do."
The infamous 'Jenny's Quiz', released as a demo a few week ago; has been in production since early 2010. Overall, it has been known to have had production issues; however, as of late, production of the game had been much more rapid.
"If production crashes now, I'll never hear the end of it." Riccy commented, "And I'll never see the end of it, either. JQ, that is."
It is unknown what resolutions Riccy has come up with.