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Twist of Fate

Sometimes you just never know what tomorrow holds

oh wait thats all the time for me

anyway, in what can only be called a sudden change of events, pertaining to discussion among my mother and uncle, I may be very well able to, and will then be, staying in hometown. I had figured a mere few days ago that my fate was sealed by the lack of drivers in new city, and that I'd be returning in at least late May to early June to New City. However, this no longer seems to be the case, as relatives meaning to visit New City have offered to do such instead.
That being said, nothing is (as usual) set in stone yet.

However, with this new opportune, I am thinking about the whole job thing and being here more seriously, and will now (as was previously somewhat 'stopped' by the thought-to-be-decided fate) continue on the efforts of getting a job.

also I just figured out how to get .gif images to work in posts

sup KK-N