SOme updaters

Sooooooooo still waiting on calls back. Will be continuing the search monday, probably gonna start trying fast food chains.

Jennys Quiz is done and whatever, I have to fix numerous problems with it, though some things are not fixable. It managed a score extremely similar to my last Jenny game, which was half the effort. tl;dr: More effort =/= more results. Lesson learned.
That being said, I am happy with JQ. It's not an instant success like I hoped, but I realize those sorts of things are luck based, and I have Riccy's Luck after all...

In terms of projects and stuff, I've just been messing around, doing whatever I feel like/ whatever comes to mind. Example being the image above, which is animated btw. It isn't a flash though, just a simple .gif file.

Otherwise, nothin much else new happening. Just lots o bikin'.


Oh yeah, and my KS obsession.

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