hey lets have a legit PTE post oh ok

So it started when I went to uni and talked to an advisor cuz I did bad in one of my past courses and was afraid I wasnt actually supposed to be able to attend the next stage class cuz of it.

Turns out that was true and that I was going to be booted out of that class within the next two weeks. So I have now dropped that class before it could drop me.

We also discussed my plans for architecture and for business.

In terms of architecture, based on how my marks went and how the program works, I'd have a Bachelor of Arts Degree before I could even hope to get accepted into architecture.
5 years minimum if I pulled off a bunch of A-grade and B-Grade courses before I get in.


Business is a different story. I'm missing a few courses but its not as hardcore over GPA, meaning a few A-Grade and B-Grade courses could lead to somewhere...

I also mentioned the fact I work and the whole New City deal and the city battle and all that.

Basically some courses I've taken have been completely unrelated to what I'm aiming for, and above that, much more difficult than courses I need to be taking. Add that with the fact I work way too much, feel pressure from friends and family over cities and decisions, and its nothing short of a miracle that I'm still stable. As the adviser said, "Something's gotta give".

Add all this together and you have why I have been looking at New City. I have been slammed on multiple occasions for even thinking about going back, but with how things have shaped up and how the opportunities in New City are looking, its kinda looking like staying here means dead end job while slowly plowing through uni aiming for business.

Now then, I presume even with all this laid out, I'll still get slammed, so I open the debate over New City Vs. Hometown to you, the PTErs. I'd be interested in knowing your concerns and thoughts over this.



  1. i say do wat u feel is right in ur heart people will understand

    1. appreciate it man, we shall see what happens :)

  2. Advisors are wonderful people, are they not?

    But I agree, if where you are isn't working then you don't have to stay. People will miss you for sure, but if you decide to leave they'll understand.

    1. They definitely really are :P

      Good point, though they won't easily understand, but I suppose my odd case has become so known that thats no issue XP

    2. in these times i present you with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqvBT9fSEHw

    3. THE FEELS OF 1000 SUNS

      Thank you bro :)
