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2013: In Review

This weird blog has many strange traditions, and this crazy long annual post is one of them!

Fun fact: There was never a year in review for 2009.

January: The year started with my sister being in New City, and me being on christmas break from uni. It was during this month that the "Home Derpo Forever" post was made, which esentially was when I visited a Councillor and found out how screwed I was for architecture and business and university in general. Thereafter I have fun with being unlucky and then catch aids again.
Also I get frustrated because being in hometown means visiting New City which ruins visiting hometown.

February: Began with me stressing out, which became a dark trend for future months. I manage two days off work thereafter, and things calm for a bit. I then visit New City and fall off mountains for fun.

March: Stress hits massively and it shows in PTE's posts. PTE is nearly shut down yet again.

April: The month starts with PTE's "death" (April fools joke). The first announcement of my return to New City is mentioned after taking into consideration my situation. The month is set to be busy as many things are going on at once. Exams slam as work cuts me down. I roll the age counter two decades. Finally the final assigment comes and goes. I celebrate a special someone's birthday. I then lose all interest in PTE as blogs and PTE lose popularity. (It may have also had to do with Pegvlog's death, can't remember lol)

May: I try to keep FNWER going but it crashes. I get my first top two wisdoms pulled out. I get slaughtered with nice long shifts right before moving away. (I'll always remember you as a nice city Hometown) (and by nice I mean beating me with a spiked bat. Only Kaitlin can convince me to move to hometown now.)


I transfer store and begin my job again in New City. Stress drops significantly. Frustrations rise significantly. (A trade-off occurs if you will.) Trixie is a noob as always.

June: I start June by celebrating Gamer Jay's Birthday. I am then soon put in an awkward position, as I try to book off 3 weeks of work at my new job to go to Germany. It comes down to if they can't grant me the time off I have to leave. However in utter proof of how New City outdoes Hometown, they grant me the time off and I am able to stay. (They did try calling me in to work while I was in Germany though....didnt work lol) (enjoy that pun)
My work also experiences a blackout (which is extremely rare...) and then New City gets a flood of the century. (Thanks to a strange storm from the EAST....HMMMMMM) I spend most of my time on my computer, making ocean jokes. Also this was the time I started working on a wiki for Ric Olzow stuff.

July: I travel to Germany and France and leave several "status report" posts. All and all a magical trip, and at least I can say I visited and climbed the eiffel tower. (Fun fact: Have all Germany Pictures, too lazy to post)
At the end of the month I get severe stomach pain which gets diagnosed as Appendicitis. I now have to watch my appendix as it could flare up again which could burst and kill

alright I'm getting too dark again CONTINUING RIGHT ALONG

August: The month starts with an announcement that my parents are going to visit Hometown. Due to the Germany Trip I am unable to book the time off. Endless 8 occurs and Snowfire is unphased. (Ok maybe a little phased. I promise that was the last year of endless 8 though. 2013's endless 8 was made of hot long summer work days which all sucked so I really do not want to repeat.)
I get more obsessed with old hobbies and work more and more. I announce hours ramping up for september and that I'm looking into schools.

September: I start by recapping why I now hate endless 8. I ate too much life cereal and got ironically sick. I ate a vending machine burger and somehow didn't die. As you can see I MAKE ONLY THE WISEST, SMARTEST DECISIONS.
I have another flux where I admit to hating the daylights out of PTE. (Continued rising frustrations and dying blogs noted as major factors.) I get over it (yay moving on) and PTE continues being. I then created THE GREAT GAMBLE OF 2013, which I book time off work and buy a plane ticket before having it verified. If work doesn't allow me to go, I either have to quit or not visit. (Ended up with the quitting proposition again lol. With work no longer being my lifeline (read: no longer work or die) this trend is a comic thing.) The plan changes as my mom decides she wants to come with me on the trip. I then make the RADIO PROJECT. (which later flops but eh I tried.)
Also this month happens to be the month I work the most days. (Strangely enough...)
Still not as bad as hometown though.

October: THE GREAT GAMBLE OF 2013 is green lit, and all plans go into motion. Radio project sees some work. Radio project starts going astray. Ric Olzow the series never happens and never will. I mention another secret project which happens to be an animation which remains unfinished. PTE celebrates Thanksgiving. I get aids for the 2309409325809852309458th time. (Ok it was a throat infection but srsly I get sick too much.) I make the radio project post wherein the radio project is halted, and I upload what I planned on PTE. (Copyrights though right) The month ends with mentioning Snowfire's birthday and testing out a new code that hides text. (which appears upon rollover. This has actually been something I've worked on trying to get right since ~2011. Remember the black text blocks that you had to drag over to see? Everything makes sense now!)

November: I released my 50th song, Welcome our New Overlord, answered an eternal question (by saying ask the future lol. So didn't actually answer it. RIC OLZOW YEAHHHHHHH)
I begin messing with PTE's banners which leads to the new animated banners. I then mention the options for school I bumped out, make a joke post for Amy Day, and get my first of acceptance letters.

December: The month starts gloriously with me catching aids YET AGAIN.
But what actually happened is bad boots led to a skin contact rash that spread to every corner of my body. (Managed to cure it for the most part with Calamine Lotion which inexplicably worked though the doctor said it didn't. ??? Doctor's are ALWAYS RIGHT now you know never question them.)
After feeling less like death, I shamelessly advertise on PTE (Did KK-N die?) and celebrate Christmas with an edited banner. I then announce my getaway trip happening tomorrow.

2013 Saw resolutions in that I did end up moving back to Hometown. Here are many reasons why:
-Money ran out
-Job was awful
-6 years to get into architecture MINIMUM
-3 years to get into Business MINIMUM
-Stress levels hit all time high (Hair loss begins to occur)
-Sickness plagues further


2013 managed to get itself compared to 2008. This year was both epic and shit in similar ways to 2008. I didn't suffer a breakup this year (and hope to never to, I owe a certain someone my world for sticking by me through all this) but I did move to New City. I travelled across the world which is something amazing and something I've never done, but I also had to come to terms with university failure and leaving everything behind to get to the amazing of travel. I managed to make some of the worst decisions (Vending machine burgers 10/10) and suffer some of the roughest sicknesses I've ever had. (Appendicitis and "Skin Contact Rash" 11/10)

On top of all this, productivity for Ric Olzow stuff hit an all time low. I managed 3 songs to be released this year, all animation and games were scrapped, the radio project was scrapped and FNWER was canned.

My hopes for 2014, aside from being NOTHING LIKE THIS YEAR, is that I manage to make more Ric Olzow things. Things now look good with options opening up for post secondary as well so I have high hopes that I'll go places other than Home Derpo forever. Even though as suffering as it is, its still oceans better than what I once worked at.

We'll see what happens next. Here's to a better next year.


This week works been tougher than usual, mostly due to under-staffing and bad weather.
I have drank more this month than I have since most of the rest of the year.

As it so happens, I managed to get a 3 day segment in January off. Noting this, my parents decided to have a road trip to the states during those days, in which I will go with so that I can unwind. I will have my laptop, but no cell.
I'll be away January 1st to 3rd. PTE won't be affected. Might even post when I'm there.

brb, more work lol


Have a good holidays errybody.


Alright, It's more of a "Hey, you want a nice long read about nothing?" sort of thing, but  finally I made a new post on my animation blog again. It mostly covers issues of being a person trying to create things vs. life itself. Check it out if that sounds interesting to you!

Since I'm on an advertising roll, I'll also mention SamiaAntha's latest new video for Christmas.
I also wonder what happened to MissBrekel? If I were to guess, she's probably being plagued with the same sort of issues as me...

Also GamerJay, because he too makes digital tunes.

Alright I'm done advertising. FOR NOW


Aidsiitis II

Got worse, rash everywhere.
Slowly recending, better soon.
7 day work week not helping.
Second case of work not helping sickness.
Continuing research.

Finished watching playthrough of game.
1,430 minutes of video.
Kinda inspired, do something maybe.
Also, got another acceptance.
Library Tech. Still Unsure.
Text like this to mimic certain character in game.
May know them. May not. Won't say.

Probably only post written this way.
Hope enjoyed. Dakota.


For the last little while, I've been battling with my work shoes. I had to switch to a different pair for winter since my summer pair was too short, kept getting covered in snow and freezing. The ones I switched to were hyper warm...but too big.

To skip over a bunch of probably gross details, my legs from the shin down are now in bad condition. As well, I've had flare-ups on my arm and ribs. Not sure if its hives, allergies or what.
I may be seeing a doctor soon if after using calamine lotion, my conditions do not improve.

So in summary, I got new shoes.