Work & Work

I'll start this post off with the 'fun' work, aka my amateur flash work stuff.

All I wanted to say about that is I found the website of the author who's flash inspired Jenny's Game.
(Big Ritsu fan it seems, heh.)

On to the other work.
Summer's in full swing. Hours are long, and this weekend is especially bad. I'm rolling ~30 hours over the next 4 days. Included in this bundle is a wonderful "Clopen." (Close open, classified as any two shifts with under 12 hours between them) Top that with today, the first of the shifts, ending with a lung full of dust, and you get an idea of how I'm doing atm.
Things will get better in time, but right now, DAMN.

as always: not dead yet!


  1. I was gonna say, they seem to like Ritsu almost as much as you.

    1. -Almost- Indeed ;)
      Though they made a blog and flash games so I think they win, but Ritsu still best.

      2nd place mio maybe
