"Speech Vs Science" Tetralemma

A few posts ago I mentioned how I was having some difficulties in a certain class. Whereas the difficulties have somewhat gotten lesser, the anxiety inflicted by the class and content remains.

On that note, another class is proving day by day to be problematic more and more. Innovation, the sciencey-turned-math class is becoming a deja vu of Microeconomics, which was a class which started out strongly, but then with the inclusion of math elements that intertwined in confusing ways led my mark to a near fail.
This class is heading that way.
Now, I may know what you're thinking.
"Oh riccy if you dont get something just ask the teacher."
I appreciate the same advice over and over...
But it doesn't help because when I'm confused over something it's never one little thing and it's difficult to explain what I don't get.
I'm basically not getting what I don't get. It's hard to explain, and you mix difficult to communicate with anxiety and you get never gonna ask the teacher because it'd be moot because I can't formulate what I don't get and I don't wanna ask it.

Anyway, I'm going to be watching both marks for both classes. I'm very tempted to drop both, but I know I  shouldn't. I don't wanna drop em because spending $$$ on the five classes set the entire household back, and dropping both is equal to losing a new refrigerator. At most I'd maybe settle for dropping one, but then it's a dilemma of: Drop sciencey math and have high anxiety for the rest of the semester over speech, or drop speech and have frustration and tanking marks due to sciencey math.
They're holding each other in place and trying to float both with the other 3 already causing me stress (weekly feature + radio show + ad writing + presentation for other gen ed + mega quiz with one-time-take that can destroy my mark and set my entire program back a year...)
 is serving only to wear me out. It's frustrating and I don't know if I'm over reacting because of the anxiety or the frustration.

But it's definitely a Tetralemma.
Choose A, anxiety and potentially bad marks
Choose B, Frustration and potentially worse marks
Choose Both A and B, Anxiety and frustration and  potentially even worse marks.
Choose Neither A and B, guilt and monetary loss, leading to potentially bad marks.



  1. When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.

    Roy E. Disney

    1. Instructions unclear, dick caught in ceiling fan.


  2. Does your school maybe have a counselling program that could help you manage your stress and anxiety? If you want to keep doing everything learning how to handle it when it's hard could help a lot.

    1. Not that I know of, sadly. I am taking the bull by the horns and trying to keep doing everything until something gives. So far, I've got an assignment in the science class that was a 40%, the rest of the marks are so far good but this bombshell is the first sign that the tetralemma is a real problem that I'm going to be dealing with for the semester.

      I did learn something though! Never signing up for 5 classes per semester again. Limiting it to 4 because the stress level spikes too much with one extra class.
