Film & Pillar

Spring Semester is nearly done, I've had my final test and now am just working on a final group project for it. This course has been pretty alright. It's been odd as we've been learning on old tape cameras. But I still learned a bunch about how cameras actually function. (Iris, colour balance, shutter, light temperature, etc.)

I recently got in a bit of an accident. After a day of school and work, I ended up being so exhausted that I scratched my car while trying to back out of a spot. (I hit it against a parkade pillar..)
This accident came as a sharp reminder about how I'm not the greatest at handling both work and school at the same time. And makes me wonder how I even managed hometown at this point, if one day of it now causes me to crash cars.
Luckily with school ending tomorrow, this issue will not be a thing until fall again, which I believe as long as I don't have them on the same day I should be okay.

Also 10 days til hometown trip! Hype hype hype


  1. At least you didn't roll your car on the highway! That's what Melissa did. (don't worry she's fine)

    1. Very sorry to hear she did, very very glad she's okay though. Hope she gets well soon!!
