Real Post Return

If you're confused, last month to celebrate grad, I decided to make every post just a title with a picture. It wasn't planned as much as thought of later and went with...ah well.
But real posts are back! and such.

First and foremost, one of my side projects has seen the light of day. You can watch it HERE. It's a 1 minute story about a soccer game from Dyland's past. We intend to have more coming, hence the "Ep. 1" part. The more people see it the better!!! because I have no idea how to get views or known or anything lol

On that note the game dev thing is still going too, but I gotta sit down and figure out graphical and coding things so yeah. And thats all the creative crap you'll hear about!*

*for now

The job search continues and that's all you need to know about that.
Also I'm learning sorta how to fly drones (For broadcast exp sake and having equipment never hurts). It's not easy but the drone I'm learning on also took some wall and fall damage. (cough cough not my fault.) So it can't exactly fly vertically...

This is maybe an update post youre welcome maybe

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