
Since tomorrow's post will be the Year in Review, I figured if I wanted to make a post about resolutions, minus well do it now.

Usually and typically, I'm not one who does the whole resolutions thing. I accept with ease that trying to plan improvements, especially a lot of them, and hope I follow through in the next while blindly, is a bit silly. Goal setting is a great practice, but a new year doesn't really change the flow of life.

That all said, this year I'm actually setting out quite a few resolutions. From above, this should seem backwards and odd, but the goal-setting aspect I have overlooked cannot be ignored any longer.
It's worth a shot, anyway.

In 2017, I resolve to get fit again. I recently managed to undo the progress on my shoulder and become a mangled mess, spasms ranging from fingertip to neck. It sucksssssss.
I resolve to animate more, even in light of the literal boom of animation in the past 2 months. The minute I get comfy and sit on laurels, game over. I suck and need to continue to suck and work!
 I resolve to either find a job, get a non-industry job, or go back to school. That may seem like the obvious as they are literally all the options, but dammit, ONE of them is happening before 2017 ends.
I resolve to learn how to cook more, and to hopefully do it. Or learn how to be more handy in general, I like fixing things. The inner nerd, I tells ya.

I'm not making any resolves about health, as I'll jinx things; and no resolves about cities or living situations, because I have no idea what 2017 has in store.

See ya in the Year In Review!


  1. i may go back to school. but once you done it once its hard to do it again. i know if i go do something in film ill hafta learn how to study

    1. because i just dident study in computer fixing course. well a little at school

    2. Power to ya! Yea definitely only worth if you got your study habits down.

  2. Yeah I'm not a huge fan of "new year's" resolutions just for the sake of the new year, but always end up making them anyway. In general I think setting practical goals for yourself at any time of year is important, but the new year can sometimes be that kick people might need to get started.
    My only real resolutions this year are to make better sleep habits cuz I cannot sustain staying up til midnight and getting up at 7 every day, and to get back into working out as I stopped for about a month during concert season. I think I can at least manage the workouts, changing sleep habits might be hard :P

    1. Fair enough, I think it's the kick I needed too lol. More to get re-started I guess, but potato potahto.
      Nice, Midnight is my normal sleep time, and only staying up past it ruins me. I ruined my sleep schedule in the 26-31 december timeframe, but managed to nearly fix it as of this week. (Ok maybe I'm proving you right what else is new)
      Resolutions are hard! :P
