
During the work I mentioned in last post, I managed to save a camera from destruction. Day 4 of filming and during games of soccer-tennis (tennis played with a soccer ball in a tennis court) a fly-ball flew over me, and I got plowed into. Instinct kicked in and I latched out and held the camera tight.

I ripped my finger. I won't go too deep into details, but as mentioned before, I'm confirmed hemophobe thanks to the Essay Class where I left in an Ambulance.
As in, I don't do so good with blood. And this was no tiny cut.
And I was surrounded by young people, who may or may not be so good with blood either.
I quick-thought to cover it with kleenexes from my lunch and asked my way to the Rec Center, where they had a proper first aid kit. Once home I used steri-strips, and now it is nearly healed! Probably going to leave a scar, but eh, it's one with a cooler story than 'I tried to balance on a balloon in a suitcase and nearly took out my eye'.
Or maybe that sounds cool too. I dunno lol.

On another note our out of town guest has arrived safe and sound and all has been going well. No big plans yet aside from going to a cabin early next month. I'll be stopping in Hometown briefly. My time is very likely already spoken for, heh.
Hopefully it's a good trip, as my mom's still battling more health issues. She can't catch a break it seems..

Ok see u next month