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2017: In Review

It's finally here!! Surprising how many people seemed to look forward to this post this year.
Maybe because it's the 150 year?
Or maybe because its a novella read. Whatever the case...

January: The year started with news of a Hometown trip for my cousin's wedding! Now, Hometown in the winter is notoriously brutal, and her wedding was the middle of winter, so...
I caught something from the martian temperatures. But the wedding was nice!

I continued work on soccer tales, and Dyland landed himself some work, which was a breath of fresh air he needed. I also blurbed about a project which as of this post is another development hell vaporware thing, but I always have fun ideas that once I try doing, I realize require a monstrous amount of work.

(That project specifically needed an entire game mapped out, all objects drawn and coded in, a storyline figured out more deeply, a battle system and leveling system and items system planned, coded, balanced... the list goes on, and for lil ol' me... no bueno. One day I'll learn.)
The month ended with a Schrodinger post.

February: Ya like Jazz?

It was this month that Gamer Jay brought another part of the radio project alive: Enter Gamer Jay FM. All VGM, all the time.

Jay made sure to put his spin on it to make it even more realistic. It was a slick and cool thing, and soon became PTE's official radio station.

Then my sister and her fiancee,  and my uncle and his girlfriend came to visit, with trips overlapping. Posting stopped as chaos ensued.

March: I started with explaining how the last weeks of February were a blur. I skiied, my sister skiied (and did great, but refuses to ski again haha), her (spoilers) husband skiied, the other duo skiied, etc. etc.

I continued to try to keep busy, seeing friends, doing projects and obtaining a new Wii. (new to me, hush you console nerds)

My infamous network was finally replaced. The month ended bitter-sweetly with me getting interviewed and ending up on the evening news. (It was about a store I liked closing down, and my interview was being interviewed by broadcasters. If you die twice inside, are you just respawning?)

April: Walls were getting painted. With plans for downnsizing in the pipeline, and wanting a house refresh, the entire main floor got a facelift. (And part of upstairs)

I anticipated the return of the car, as winter was nearly over, meaning I could visit friends more often.
And PTE became the dog clicker website of the future. 
...Except I forgot quickly after and the feature hasn't been implimented since that and maybe one other post. (The gimmick was any posts with dogs would link to whatever music I was listening to while making the post.)

Oh yeah also I went blonde again. Went south as it always does, and my hair was some level of Velma sweater. (But I learned now about purple shampoo, so next time...!)
I had a birthday and a little party for it to boot! Fun times and Dyland suffering were had. (Mario Party)

I tried doing some video recording, only to find both my machines were too weak-sauce. I mean, nothing explains it better than that one banner. So that put a kink in my plans.

The month ended with celebration of a certain someone's birthday. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

May:  Another wedding was upcoming, this one being my sister's June wedding. I had to get all measured up for a suit. I got "Promoted" to co-emceeing, which speaking from hindsight, was pretty awesome. 
I continued watching the garbage things I like and wishing I could do that, and then whined about creative whatever. I dunno I stopped reading too.

I got hired!! The month was a real turn-around, especially as the pressure around my unemployment and the growing feeling of failure was gaining exponentially. 
Dyland had really come through, recommending me (As well as another awesome friend of mine recommending me) for the job.
My parents reaction to me getting the job was unsatisfactory. (Insert sodium chloride here)

June:  We geared up. My sisters wedding was fast approaching, and we were road tripping. 
A beautifully long break occurred as the wedding took place. Hometown was beautiful and green and the trip was a chaotic beautiful mess that somehow turned out great. (Special thanks to a certain someone for being infinitely awesome.) I did the emceeing with no issue, despite being a ball of anxiety leading up to it. Everything went better than expected!
During the trip as well, I redid my wardrobe. Insane sales meant I could afford to essentially reset it, it was wonderful. 

Also, it came to my attention that trip that people want ample notice that I'm coming to visit Hometown, so.. SOMETIME IN 2018 I WILL BE VISITING or better HOMETOWN.

The month ended in me getting in a car accident, because of course it did. And I was sick from the insanity of the month. Nothin' like ending on a high note.

July: Weddings are expensive. Car accidents are expensive. Life is expensive.
Luckily insurance covered the accident, but it was a real hotel California getting the van fixed right. Speaking of fixing, the AC was also freezing itself over constantly. I think we deciphered the issue as low freon, which has yet to be resolved. 
I finished that first post hinting at a certain visitor from across the pond coming.

I started helping Dyland with freelance work. The summer sun made sure to remind me of its dehydrating abilities. Around this time, air quality was dipping hard as the west had been on fire for months, so that didn't help.
I also tried being a FPS player, but that was short lived.

While out with Dyland filming, I had an oopsie moment. Too close to athletes, I got decked, and caught my camera with a single finger. As amazing as that sounds, the entire weight of a camera on a finger is skin piercing. 
I'm still super proud how well I handled it, figuring it was real bad, but I managed! 
The month ended with my mom still up and down health-wise, and a certain visitor coming for adventures! The real fun began in August... 

August: There was one post? NICE!

ok anyway

There was a cabins trip with the usual family drama and other silliness. I enjoyed it regardless, trying to avoid the tornadoes as much as possible. Having our cross pond visitor with us added to the enjoyment much more as well. And we got to visit with friends and relatives from out east, so that was wonderful too!

The cabins ended with the crying milk incident, which I post here as an eternal reminder to never, ever take opened milk in a cooler. Might become a Riccy Rule even.

I got a bit more time in Hometown, which I used to spend more time with a certain someone. (Note: As long as the LD exists, visiting Hometown will always be affected by this monopoly. Feel free to join the chorus that pushes for me to return living in Hometown.)

I also "Squandered" two opportunities, though in hindsight, I may have dodged a bullet with one. The other, well, paragraph above applies. So I'm over it now lol.

September: PTE got meta as I felt guilty for August having only one post (And maybe hearing about it..) I decided it was time to improve PTE, and do a major overhaul. I chose to make the remake on PTE's 8th Anniversary, and thus, after trial and error and breaking everything multiple times with different templates that were ultimately garbage... now the blog is as you see! (The Hub update, though in hindsight the Endless 8 Update would've been a way cooler name. DAMN)

The end of the month ended with our cross pond visitor bringing her bf to visit us after they had their adventuring in a neighbouring city. It was a wonderful time, and I made a new great friend!
The week was a blur of chaotic fun.
And then came work, as my job changed to the real deal task.

October: I went through a Cuphead phase, a Back to the Future phase, and made an entire post about putting insoles in shoes. (Hey it worked shh)

I was re-re-reminded that every time I do errands before work, hell breaks loose and demons make sure that I'm late. And so I was, having a rough day.

The month ended with me revealing my secret other favourite color.

November: In a ditch effort to pump PTE with lots of posts, and because I was considering the idea ever since I had seen it on social media, I decided to go with a gimmick. Enter: THE MUSIC MONTH!
Every day, a post with a youtube video of a song, fitting the description of the Music month guide. I even made sure to make small commentaries on each post, just to try to give more content.
I succeeded, and ended the month displaying all 30 posts at the same time, killing PTE's load time. (And it was beautiful)

December: A certain someone came for a visit, and we celebrated our 6th anniversary together! It was a wonderful week and as always, time escaped us.
I dropped hints of plans for the future. And hinted at upgrading the linux machine.

New City got blasted with snow, and I helped shovel the driveway for a solid 2 hours. I twisted my knee in the process, but now it's recovered so yeah. (It snowed more since so I gotta go shovel more and repeat history, woo)
I mentioned holiday plans.

K-Day? Maybe next year.

And since I haven't posted since Christmas...

Bonus Post: Christmas went well! Spent it at a relative's, and I relearned the game of Dice. I ended up with a boatload of quarters from card game playing as well, which I really didn't need, but that's always how it goes with me. I'll win the lottery the day I give up on it permanently, which might be physically impossible for me, so there you go.

We also had a mini get-together with relatives and friends on the 28th, which also went nicely. There's now plans for later today, and for the 2nd, so I will get ample time to visit with others before work starts back up. I'll be back at it the first weekend of January.

Oh yeah and linux machine is still a WIP. It's a bit complicated, but essentially I know now that I need to upgrade a part, but I have to convince someone who might be a little stubborn thinking I don't need to...

Also GamerJay FM is gone for now, sorry!


 Two Weddings. A Car accident. A saved camera. 3 Hometown Trips.
Six Year Anniversary. Eight Years of PTE.


ok but jokes aside, it's been a wild year as always.
Here's to 2018 being a year of great (That means positive, life. cough cough) change!

And welcome all who are now in the spiffy new PTE Network! (Note: Only your latest post will show up, and whoever posts latest gets bumped to the top. It's a code thing I didn't make it and sorry in advance when it glitches out.)
Shout-out to MissBrekel surviving new school adventures and the wonders of room-mates; to Snowfire for buying her own first place and balancing the 3 jobs banana business HOW DO YOU EVEN; to Sophie for managing life in New City and the glorious retail world; and to Dyland, for putting up with me, haha.
I wish you and your families (And everyone reading this right now) good health and prosperity.
Hope 2018 is a great year!

And just to cap things off, Here's one more dog clicker picture:


  1. and for my fingers because i can always count on them

  2. As always takes me forever to get around to checking Blogger, but cheers to 2018!
