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Extra Info & How to Vote

Now that all 8 competitors are released, there's a few references I think I should explain to further expand on certain characters:

RO stands for Ric-Olzow, the now umbrella term for anything I do creatively.

Animanga-R is an unpublished 93 page comic I made, featuring a majority of the characters featured in the Competition.

FWNER stands for "(Frisky) Friday Nights With Eric Riccy", Which was a vlog/art project made by me as part of a larger vlog project known as 'Pegvlog'.

PTE stands for Paper Train Express, the name of this blog.


How to vote:

Every post should now have a (+1) button attached to it. This is moot for now, but you can choose your favourite competitor with that. It may be interesting to see if the fan favourite correlates to the voting!

When the competition begins in January, the +1 button is the active way of voting. You'll be able to see the results and affect the outcome directly by clicking the +1 button on posts you enjoy.**
The passive way of voting, is simply viewing the post on PTE. Views determine the popularity of the post.
At a certain point the two posts will be compared and using both the numbers will determine the winning outcome.

**+1 Button unavailable on Mobile Versions of PTE


Intro Competitor Song: Gamerjaym - Big Battle

I would like to thank Gamerjaym for allowing me to use music for this competition. If you'd like to hear more of his music, click here for a music library of his works.

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