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Dyland's Top Twenty Remixes #14

Well, what an eventful few days! My anxiety has certainly kept me on my toes during the last 48 hours. Despite the outside world looking a little bleak, I wanted to continue bringing my favourite remixes to you in order to maintain what little normality you have left in your life currently because I know mine has certainly changed drastically.

"Bite-Size Candies" is a remix by Pogo celebrating the 75th Anniversary of M&M’s. The song has a great sound to it; I find that samples that were taken from old 50s footage just sounds so good. In conclusion, this song is actually just like an M&M it's sweet, colourful and it makes me happy.

Stay safe out there everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Love the synth and light hearted sound! Makes me think classic house style.
    I commend your bid for normality, it certainly is chaotic times, getting crazier as time goes on.
