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Dyland's Top Twenty Remixes #2

I apologize for missing last week's post – I took part in a spur of the moment camping trip; it was a much-needed break from the city and the pandemic news. Being disconnected felt freeing, and I even found time to begin reading again. We stopped at a small family-owned bookstore on the way, and I picked up the first book of George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones. I read nearly 300 pages over the week while soaking in the sun and listening to the sounds of nature deep in the beautiful inland rainforest.

This ties nicely into #2 which is Melodysheep's series of Game of Thrones remixes. A cop-out to have multiple remixes in a single spot I know, but I had too hard of a time limiting it to one like I did the Lord of the Rings remixes. Overall they're all good remixes of a series I enjoyed greatly.

P.S. Stannis "The Goddamn Mannis" Baratheon = the best


  1. That sounds like quite the pleasant trip! Definitely much needed calm in these chaotic times.

    Also, a mini playlist is pretty hype for a second place, makes #1 seem like its better than the entire playlist. IMO anyway

    1. Yeah it was a fantastic break! Trust me when I say #1 is my favorite by a long-shot! I'm sure you'll understand why as soon as you see/hear it!
