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Return of The Riccy

To find myself posting like this again means one and only thing:

The characters gimmick backfired; 'old school' PTE remains the most sought version. My fault for throwing myself in the ring as a control variable. But the numbers generated is quite valuable to me, so thank you to those who voted!

I suppose at this point I should follow the format... What is the new news in the real world of Eric Riccy? Since January is typically a mundane month, let's start with a recap of the (very different) holiday season.

It figures the year that visiting is illegal, I would get a decent amount of time off. I managed 2 4-day weekends due to keeping current with work. The holiday days themselves were the norm for these times: Sitting on the couch, seeing people virtually. It was very nice to see all the family, even if through a screen. I suppose with my LDR experience, it phases me even less; Screen-based communication is but something you just get used to.

Notable gifts include a vertical waffle maker (I've failed at making 3 waffles so far), slippers, games, and many essential goods. Par for the course this year, but valuable and wonderful no less.

New years was similarly relaxed, but virtual get-togethers certainly enhanced it. 

How was your holiday season?


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