Plug-in Power

I've recently started playing around with plug-ins in Audacity.

I've proceeded to glitch it out a few times, but I've learned a lot. I managed to install a vocoder that is reminiscent of a tool I used in my broadcasting booth days.

Overall it's actually an easier process than you might expect. It helps that this guide exists. I personally love wiki-style guides; I find them so very intuitive.

This doesn't mean new music coming soon per se, but it does mean I'm actually doing something. (And having fun??)

Also through my research I found Princess Problems.

 According to the sources, another of her monikers has been "Plural", of Dj Hmx ft Plural. If that's still not ringing a bell, maybe this might help.

Royal Blues

Another friend's wedding post-poned today. Understandably so, given the times. 

I received an e-mail yesterday from my chosen venue, questioning if my wedding would be going on this year as planned. It's put my love and I in a tailspin, as we now reckon with the outcomes that could be. Perhaps coincidentally, a gift I ordered online with the original wedding date engraved showed up yesterday. Is it a sign? Or another jab by life? 

We had planned to get married indoors, specifically to try to prevent bad weather ruining the wedding. Alas, life found a way to bring bad weather indoors. 


What are your thoughts?