The Paper Train Express Begins!

THE FIRST POST is always hardest to make. This will be no exception.

So lemme start with an intro. Welcome to The Paper Train Express, or PTE for short. Here, I will keep whoever reads this blog up-to-date. That is, assuming I remember to update it. (I'm a bit forgetful at times..) I shall try my best to remember to update it though. Roughly every 1-2 days I'll post something new. Once again, assuming I remember or that I'm not too busy with school and other things.

Now then, I should also Introduce myself, Just so you know whose writing this. My name is Riccy Olzow.

... and that's it for my intro.

I should also mention, My future posts will not be this formal. I usually don't do such complete sentences, and I usually post ':P' ':D' 'D:' and other various emoticons to portray my different moods on different things.

So future posts will be like this :P (these will appear alot too, sidenotes are always fun)

I'm sick of typing. So that's it for this intro! :D


  1. woot.
    also, banner drawn on looseleaf FTW!

  2. The banner was actually drawn in paint :P Pretty good effect though, eh?
