My Life IS Average

So apparently, yesterday my mom got me one of my Christmas presents :D Dunno what it is (obviously) but I have some idea to what it could be. The only thing she told me is 'it was expensive to begin with but I was able to get it cheaper'.

Cant wait for it either way :P Also, I supposedly may get a cellphone sometime (but not anytime soon..) Since its becoming apparent that I could really use one on days when 1000 things are happening. (Could contact for getting rides, etc. I'm not going to explain it. T_T)

In other news, yesterday was wacky. Besides the fact that I finally had a sleep in day (and therefore, was more 'awake' and hyper than usual), There was also picking up my relatives after a party (It was funny except it was like, 2am. No joke.), and shopping (though that wasnt very extreme) and then of course I started this blog, acted insane to most of my friends, had a friendly fight with my brother, and finally talked to one of my friends on msn who i found out was high.

Based on yesterday, I can say this: My Life is Average.

And that's it for today, stay tuned and comment!

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