Swamped & other plans

There's no other way to put it - I'm Exhausted. and stressed. and going crazy.
Why? Because every day has been so busy that I haven't even had enough time to relax.
No joke. This is being done when I should be doing science (which sucks right now T_T)

Unrelatedly, I enjoy making graphs. I hate the idea of doing such, and loathe starting, but once I do, I love doing it. O_o Sounds weird, I know.

Also in other news, When not asleep in art, science or Driving school, I've been coming up with a new series, featuring one of my well-established characters 'PR'. However, the plot and all the details, and the decision of whether this idea will be made or not is still in process of creation/production. I'll update if I actually go through with it...maybe.

You know what I could go for? A 711 Slurpee. Cant remember when my last one was. For that matter, I cant remember when my last Root beer was. D: