Action & Drama

Basically, my uncle pointed out something which surprised me and also got me to think: My Facebook is boring.

And on that note, I also realized my daily life isnt the most interesting either. It's not bad, but really, for living in a fast paced city, life is pretty slow for me. I'd say I like it that way, but really, the same ol' same ol' does get annoying after awhile.

So, in response to this, I've got a few plans up my sleeve. [Plans always make things interesting, therefore = solution] Firstly, I've got to turn my facebook from a barely updated ghosttown into an attention grabbing entertainment page which actively reflects my life. And in doing so, without accidentally pissing off everyone. [Easier said than done]

Now, this may sound irrational, but I agree that my Facebook is boring, and that I should update it more often, do more things to it. Because in reality, it gives less information than the CIA.

On that note, I will also look into making life itself more interesting, but that is easier said than done. I have some ideas for that too, but we'll see what happens.

All I need is some Action and Drama.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook is lame in the first place, you shouldn't let it define yourself.
