Brutal Week: Toxic Thursday

The penultimate of the rough week has come and not quite gone yet. What an ironic name for it though, figuring today is Earth day! :P

Anyway, I Started CALM, seems like it will be interesting, dunno what to expect yet though. Had the Math Unit test, pain in the ass, but I finished it. I'll probably find out my terrible failing mark next week.
I also have a damn unit assignment due tomorrow for math. sigh. I'm REALLY sick of Math.

Also, My mom dragged me driving and she had me drive to the vidja store so she could return some movies. I was too tired to go in, so she went in and chatted for like 20 years. The owner and his son can't wait to see me next, so there goes my theory that they hated me. Ah well, lol.

Finally, Watched all 3 of the Bourne Trilogy recently. I ♥ Matt Damon.