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Yeah it started for me like yesterday or maybe 2 days ago if this posts on Sunday. Although thus far it hasn't been that great because I've having some sort of migraine or something because my head is constantly aching and my left eyelid is like twitching and i took Advil but it only lasted for a little bit so yeah.

In other news, I'm bored again. I've been pondering back and forth about flash ideas. I've realized that my main problem with making movies is: I'm too OCD over the characters. I've concentrated so much on making them interesting and perfect and not about what would actually happen to them. So now I've been thinking up about what the movie would be ABOUT. As expected, its a lot harder than making and switching characters every 5 seconds.

Which speaking of flash, it reminded me of something I recently heard. I recently heard that women prefer men who have showing foreheads as opposed to guys who have hair covering their foreheads. Is this true? If so, I'm gonna start keeping my fringe off my glorious forehead. Or maybe just shave my hair.


  1. lol dude, it depends on the girl.

    also, you are suffering from puberty, lmao.

  2. That's what I figured.

    Also yes and it is fatal.
