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PTE Poll: Results!

The Posts
3 (60%)
The Wacky Title Banners
3 (60%)
The Background Music (BGM)
2 (40%)
The Riccy Rules
4 (80%)
The Movies Page
1 (20%)
The PTE Trolls (Silly Things That PTE Turns into)
1 (20%)
The Comments
1 (20%)
1 (20%)
Post Pictures
4 (80%)
The Slogans
2 (40%)
1 (20%)


Posts: Posts will of course never stop, but it's nice to know they're not as horrendous as I figured they were. I'll continue doing random posts, as to keep things switched up, but I'll try to always have some sort of text in the posts. That is, unless its a comic...

Title Banners: PTE's wacky self-created copyright-risk-free banners have always been what set it apart from other projects, and is likely why its been able to keep my interest for so long. It's no doubt that the banners will continue, always created by yours truly.

Background Music (PTE BGM): The background music idea was really to give PTE an atmosphere as people read the posts, but many past trolls turned it to something more of an annoyance. Granted, I promise to no longer make it autoplay (unless its something important enough to need such) but the BGM now remains as 'this is what goes with the latest post' music (May not always apply though), I'll keep it since there appears to be some interest.

The Riccy Rules: I'm rather surprised on how popular they appear to be, figuring they were just some side project thing to help me not go crazy :P I'll keep them around n stuff, though I'm not sure whether to keep them on the main page or give them their own separate page yet.

The Movies page: The movies page was really more of a page for me to keep track of my past projects, so I'm not really surprised it's not cared for at all. I'm still deciding what it is I want to do with it, I'll keep it up for updates on JQ (though the posts say more than that page ever has anyway but whatever) and decide thereafter. It may get replaced, reformatted, or deleted. Haven't decided yet.

The PTE Trolls: I figured something was up when after turning PTE bright orange and yellow, having the Rickroll blasting in the background and having huge text of the chorus of 'Never Gonna Give You Up' nobody commented. PTE trolls are really my experimenting of design, and like any experiment, you're bound to get many flukes and fails. (Also, this is the reasoning for the "Riccys digital playground" Slogan) As it stands, I'm not as interested in messing PTE up anymore because of how much effort it takes to pull a troll, and how much more it takes to fix it up after.

The Comments: Comments are really for feedback purposes, basically if PTE turns super derpy I'm hoping somebody goes 'fix this' and then I find a way to fix it :D Comment sections will remain as a feedback outlet.

Spoilers: PTE has always been about doing something different, and spoilers (and buttons) were supposed to be a way of proving that. However, I never actually use them properly, and the method of how I wanted spoilers to be never worked 100%. I wanted them to be the censor bar (like they are) but with a feature of highlighting the text on hover. I'm sure if I look hard enough I can find the html coding behind it, but seeing as I don't use them properly and they're not much cared for, I may not bother, and seldom to never use them.

Post Pictures: Random images taken from the net and slapped on each post, to give them my face when random crap happens. It's an idea taken from internet forums, and the resulting appearance of popularity is not too surprising. As it goes, I'll try to make sure every post has a picture, whether it be self drawn or from the internet. It's tough to not repeat images though, so I'll warn now that repeated images may occur. But I'll try to have something new in each post.

Slogans: Slogan making is rather difficult, especially when you try to not repeat a phrase. PTE will continue to have slogans for now though.

Other: What is other? I'm not sure. Maybe its the Logos page, maybe its the Riccy Comics, maybe its the links, cant say for sure. But whatever it is, its not too popular. I'm not doing anything though, because it's not very specific and I can't tell what other implies anyway. This option wasn't thought out very well, lol.

And That's All! Thanks to those who voted!

Now to go take a Stats Exam. :(

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