
I am in a difficult position thanks to how events have turned out.

Next month, I have a trip to Germany that has already been booked and bought.
I've asked for time off from work but I took time off in February to visit new city.
So there's a too high chance I won't get Germany time off.

I'll be out of the country if they schedule me. But they likely assume that I can just cancel and stay working for them.

Family vs Work: what would you choose?

For only 12 an hour, my thoughts are family. I'm just hoping somehow it works out and I get the time off.


  1. i would say ifr they dont get you time off quit and find a new job. family wont be around forever u know but thats just my whole take on the situation.

    1. sounds like a smart plan, I understand what you mean

  2. well, that trip couldn't have been cheap, and it could be a once-in-a-liftime opportunity, so I wouldn't pass it up. Plus since you're at home now, if you need to find another job you at least won't have to worry about your living situation in the mean time.

    1. Definitely wasnt cheap, and very likely is once-in-a-lifetime, and very true, I'm in a stable spot so even if it doesnt work out it's not like losing this job is losing my life support.

      I just hope it doesnt haunt me in the long run, but should be fine til a situation arises.

  3. If you pick work over the trip you'll regret it.
    If you pick the trip over work, you may lose your job, but there will always be more jobs out there, and even when you feel that you will NEVER find a job (been there, done that), something will eventually pop up if you work for it.

    The decision is ultimately your's, but I think it would be foolish to ever pick something that is replaceable over something that is once-in-a-life-time.

    1. Very true, and I really can't pick job over work regardless, my parents wouldn't allow it after ticket being bought and paid for XP
      Definitely know that feeling, and true true, as infamously said to me before "things will work out as they are supposed to".

      I agree with your point of view, we shall see what happens soon :)
