In light of recent PTE posts being pretty dark, this post has nice and wonderful and good news!... Sort of.

It's no secret that since moving back to New City, I've been looking to visit Hometown again. A trip in August fell through due to work and due to the Germany Trip being right before it. The time was never booked off so the trip had to be postponed.

It's now been planned for November 5-14th. The plane ticket has already been booked, (on a seat sale of course, because I'm now paying my own plane tickets, and that money comes straight from my now "college fund".) and because it has been booked and done through seat sale, it cannot be returned.

Now for the gamble part: I'm not actually sure if I can get the time off work. I put in a request, and though the last 3 times I've made requests they've been accepted, the request is still subject to denial. Especially if the department I work for needs me. As it so happens, many people in my department are quitting to concentrate on schoolwork. Thus this poses a heightened chance of denial.
If the request is denied, I lose about $400 and am stuck in New City. If it is accepted, still spend money but then actually get to go to Hometown.

I shall keep PTE firstly updated on how this gamble turns out. (Theres a good enough reason to keep reading right? meh i tried.)