Some DEETS on The Great Gamble Trip

First and foremost, I know many are wondering if there has been any success on the green lighting from work. So far, not yet, though I should know for sure by mid October. So for those hoping, hold tight. For those who will be missing or not seeing me, this is not the last time I'll be visiting Hometown so we shall indeed cross paths at a later point. Likely Spring or summer 2014.

As for another detail, originally the plan was for me to stay at my sisters new place with her and her boyfriend. I would be using transit and taxis and such for the trip.

A change has occured in that plan, in that now my mom is coming to hometown on the same flights as I am and we are now going to stay at my uncle's house. (the one I lived with for the two years in hometown.) Reasons for this are she enjoys visiting hometown very much and with her there, we will have potential access to a car, thus no needing for transit, saving costs. As well, this will raise chances of me visiting hometown in future times if connections there stay strong.

I will likely also have more space (read: perhaps even a guest room?) at my uncles, as opposed to a couch at best at my sisters. I'll very likely be visiting my sister regardless however.

More details on TGGT as they come. and maybe some more posts about "LOL WORKING WHAT ELSE IS NEW" someday.
On that note picked up more shifts today. woo hourssss


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