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Twisted Cards of Fate

I finally found out sort of what was going on yesterday. By some twisted fate, I managed to get employee of the month. Though honestly, I can make sense of why I did, very likely due to boxing day with being the only person in my department and running it the entire day with a Saturday level of people. (aka: super busy) Its a bittersweet award, but I do appreciate the recognition. That said, I really hope someone else gets it next month and the months following. I don't like work's limelight.

Another twisted fate I had is another award for "showing continuous effort and enthusiasm." What makes this award twisted is what its for and its timing. It seems to have been paired with the EOTM one, making me seem even better (which is bad, last line of paragraph 1) than I am. I'm essentially seemingly being pedestalled above everyone in my department, kind of like a child being favourited in a family. (Which I've had that too, pedestalling is irritating to deal with) I'd rather be a shadow at work, at least at this one; going in, doing my time, going home. I don't want politics ruining that.

In more positive news,  I recently got called from one of the unis, and an interview has been set up for the radio program. If I succeed, I'll get in to that program and be aiming for radio. If I fail it, my back-up remains library tech (or pharmacy tech, either way something will be backing it up so I can do something other than what I am now....retail....bleh....)
The Interview is next week, more post (s?) will be coming on that.
This is the thing I've been waiting for, it will get the gears for my tomorrow going. The first step towards Not New City Forever.
(Yes I'm excited about it. Very much.)

My world is weird. Did I ever mention that?