K-Day! [And a kontest!]

As in, the day to celebrate Kaitlin!

I'm celebrating it a day early so that she can check out the new CHARACTER QUIZ
now available on the Riccy Quiz page.
This means that all other PTEr's can check out the ridiculous new "quiz" a day early! It is reminiscent of the Riccy Quiz...

It also has 2 "secrets". First one to find them both and mention them in the comments of this post win! Prizes limited to 1 of following: PTE banner of winners creation, PTE banner available on banners page, Winner gets to write a post, or Winner gets to choose PTE's background.*
Contest Closes April 30, 2014.

* 'Winner' must have a named account. 'Winner' limited to ONE person. PTE banner of winners creation must be safe for work and is subject to acceptance by Eric Riccy. Banner must be 1200px by 400px, unless chosen from the banner page. PTE post is also subject to acceptance, if deemed not safe for work or if deemed inappropriate for posting (i.e. racial slurs) then will not be posted. Post must be in english. Winner will be responded to by Eric Riccy in the comments, and [if not known] will be required to post an email address of which Eric Riccy can contact. The email address will be removed from comments upon being read. PTE claims no responsibility for any damages somehow caused by the contest. (Seriously there shouldn't be this is all virtual like how) By posting with participation in the contest you thereby agree to these terms.

Happy Birthday Kaitlin!


  1. click on ricolzows green shirt and taylor poshiboles glasses

    1. You got it! Congrats!
      Which prize would you like? (If Banner creation or post writing I'll need it over email or FB)
