Dem old files

I've been reorganizing my office space (Read:Base 50) in order to make a proper workstation for creating projects. Part of doing this meant going through things that I had left behind here when I moved back to Hometown way back in 2011. It's kinda awesome cuz it's like going through something that was frozen in time.

While going through these things I found some very interesting things, so interesting that I'm making this post about them.

First wacky thing I found was a career matching result from way back in 2009. (Like way back when PTE may or may not have existed!) The top result on it was Director of Photography, second was Director, third was Set Designer, Seventh was Animator, 11th was Cartoonist, 19 was computer animator, essentially the entire list was of creative jobs. The paper also says my suggestions fit under the cluster of "Arts and Culture".
Abridged version is I was meant to never make money at all ever from the start. And probably doomed.
This helps explain my weird hobbies(Animation, music making, city designing in vidya games) and lack of being able to figure out where I fit in the world though, figuring all these jobs are low paying "you need to draw mona lisa" type jobs. My art marks never were very good, meaning my interests and my skills don't match. (Granted there's arbitrary marking schemes of Art Teachers, but at the end of the day they're still right since I'm not making money on my crap drawings.)

Second thing I found was stuff from a course called "CALM", essentially a life skills class which I took somewhat seriously back then but never really made the connection of what it was trying to teach me until I fell flat on my face in Hometown.
That connection being I found a "Working a budget" exercise where you had to take a fix amount of cash and try to stretch it to work with different commodities like food and gas and clothes. The first thing that got me smiling about it was the fact the budget I made up included working with TWO jobs, making approximately $1400 a month. Compared to Hometown where I was squeaking at best with ~$900 a month. (And at worst with ~$300. March was baaaaaaad.)
My costs and this budgets costs were obviously much different, but in general my costs were much much higher. I may not have paid $40 (a month) for gas (which is impossible lol, good try past me), but I was dishing out a solid $60 a month for a bus pass. (which was useless half the time due to my location)
To sum things up, the budget I had made up made me in the red about $75 a month. In reality going in the red meant I was dead, soooooo uh
maybe that helps explain why I'm here again. 

Third thing I found was just an intro thing to the CALM course, which I found entertaining due to some of my answers. Examples being "What is your impression of what this course is about?" which I answered "Same as some other course but with sex ed" (priorities!), "What motivates you?" which I answered "- Girls -Money -Boredom" (Aside from the stuff I've made to annoy PJ, thats actually held pretty true...) And "What do you hope to do after high school?" which I answered "Hoping to get into business at University of New City, get degree then get job as a financial planner/advisor. After that, maybe eventually return to Hometown."
Makes me smile that that plan got changed so drastically. More smiling because the idea of me as a financial planner. (Bankrupt in 5...4...3...2...1...)
I could probably try for it now, but I can guarentee I know I wouldn't be walking into that position. I'd have to start as an intern and work my way to whatever opportune job comes my way. Get years of experience before even hoping to start planning/advising.
So much time everything requires I tell ya.

I'll keep cleaning away but I may make another post about the silly things I find sometime soon.
Or maybe I'll just make a new game soon. MAYBE

btw expect shenanigans ~April 24th.