Riccy's Law

I was reading up on a List of Eponymous Laws, curious if recent situations of mine have been coined as one. The closest I could see was Finagle's Law, or more precisely, Resistentialism.

To save you some article reading, Resistentialism is essentially that 'inanimate objects tend toward spiteful behaviour' or simply put: Non-living things are not nice.
 That is sort of what I'm having, though mine seems more relative to luck.

To clarify I'll name the examples I'm basing my faux pas of a law on.
-When setting up my network, all network names did not work expect for the one that I did not want to work due to the consequence of the name sticking. I was 100% certain it would not work, and it did.

-When my phone acted up, normal texts wouldnt send. I sent 'test' texts. Every test text failed. Then, I sent a text saying something that could have serious consequences. I was 100% certain after 3 failed test texts, it would not work.
And it did.

SO. Riccy's Law is that when solving a problem, if luck is a factor, then when in absolute certainty of failure and hoping for continued failure out of fear of reprocussions from a bad solution is when the solution will work.
Or more simply put, when you make a solution, and both really hope it will not work (Cuz it'll backfire) and do not believe it will work, it will work.


Also if anyone finds a rule or law that already exists that explicitly satisfies the idea of Riccy's Law, please tell me. Else I'll be calling it my own stupid law until I can call it something more official. Also yes I realize it's similar to Murphy's Law, however Murphy's Law extends to any situation will go wrong, this is limited to a situation in which a person must both have (1)absolute certainty of failure and (2)absolute hope of continued failure, in order to create an accidental solution.

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