Done, Done!, DONE

I am officially done work as of today. The next 10 days will be spent packing and cleaning. Roughly on the 1st of August, My mother and I will be driving back to Hometown. (Laying over halfway and arriving the day after.)

While in Hometown, I'll be heading to the lake from the 8th-15th.

Now that I'm done! work, I'm hoping to find myself less stressed. So far however, the opposite is true. I think it may be the excitement of being forever done work mixed with the nervousness of never being able to get a job again and being worthless forever that's causing it, but over the past two days I've been way more reactive than I should be.
I watched the movie "The Purge: Anarchy" and it managed to upset and frustrate me with how badly it was written. Something as simple as a stupid movie shouldn't be able to get me, but somehow "my jimmies were rustled."
Same happened today on a dog walk. (Mind you, this one was a little more acceptable due to the circumstances.) While walking Trixie, walked past a neighbours house, who decided their little angel of a mutt could do no harm, left it unleashed. Thing runs over to Trixie, who hates other dogs and is ALWAYS aggressive, long story short the two fought. Owners response? "Hahaha"
You can see in my typing how the reaction is bubbling.

Back to hating this city I guess, lol.


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