The green month

March 20 will be a turning point as it is the cut off for dropping classes. Hence, the Tetralemma will be "solved" by that date.
Stay tuned to PTE if that's something you're interested to see.

In other news my life has mostly consisted of trying to stay on top of assignments. I've done better than ever before with keeping up on projects and stuff, but whether that actually matters to my marks will be seen. I would say I do think about my homework near constantly, keeping an agenda with all my 'to-dos' on it. If Ric-Olzow crap worked this way, I would probably actually whip out projects at a pretty good consistant rate. Translating it to RO stuff which has no due date and no loss of marks/money is difficult though. I think the biggest hurdle too is the lack of financial gain consistantly, RO is currently stuck in a forever-a-hobby predicament.
I'd elaborate more but I have another blog for that. I'll advert it though, for I made a recent post on it.
So there's that if you need more to read I suppose, lol.

Tomorrow I'm also going a bit experimental with RFR, going to try to run a show without a script. I will still have a paper with guidelines on it, but my speaking spots have gone down to 6 spots from ~15 at one point. With so little talk time, spitballing should be easy. My time with the Improv club and my speeches have shown that I can talk with only a "-dash of words" to help, so tomorrow will be an experiment to see how well I can do.
Tune in tomorrow 2-4pm to see me succeed/flounder on air, lol.

Green is best colour. That is all.

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