Tetralemma Escalation

If I made constant posts about how my life is, they'd all be 'wow so much schoolwork still to do how does it continue to never end'.
And PTE would be bland and terrible like it already is so I use my ~3 day posting scheme to make sure I think about what to post about before posting it so I don't just make an ocean of whining posts.

But I do feel like I need to make a solid update on the tetralemma because it will be reaching a progression point very soon.
As you may remember, the tetralemma is speech class and science-y class causing me problems but because the other exists I don't want to drop one and because of finances I don't want to drop both.
My mom recently got a new job, so theoretically finances may be in better straights soon, but I'm still adamant on not dropping both, still cuz don't wanna waste money and also as it'll also slow my progress on graduation. So the fourth aspect remains there too.
I'm still stressing badly trying to deal with them now, but I am holding on with purpose.
Tomorrow will be the first massive speech, which will determine 15% of my final mark, so it's a significant indicator on how the course will go in the long run.
Wednesday I have the first major assignment for the science-y class due, similarly will indicate if I should stay or drop.
If both turn out super well - everything-went-better-than-expected - and I'll hold on til next major assignment or drop date (mid march)
If one goes horribly bad, I may use that as rationale and cut that specific class.
If both go horribly bad, ....we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

At least this mess ends March. Or April. Definitely before May.

oh yeah btw my mom got a new job ok bye


  1. loooool i update like maybe once a month

    1. That may happen to PTE eventually. It's kinda mostly my go-to for blurbing thoughts and frustrations at this point. But as with Pegvlog, once its served its 'purpose' it could have an end.

      Though I've been saying I was going to delete it for years now. I'm full of crap haha.
