Careful Shout

I think I spoke too soon with the idea of disabling all comments.

I see all my last few posts have at least one comment attached to them, and frankly, these comments are helping guide me on what to post about. If there's no comments, this blog minus well be the Dev Blog. That blog gets no comments because the content wasn't what people were interested in, at least not interested in having it mixed in PTE.*

*My evidence is basis of viewcounts of posts and comments, theres a very strong correlation of RO posts and 0 comments.

So as amateur as it is, I'm re-enabling comments indefinitely. Comment if you'd like, but never feel like its something you have to do. It's just there as another thing to do on PTE.

That said, posts will try to be ~3 days again here on out. For many good reasons, I assure you.