3 Shows

I'm happy to report things have settled a bit since last post. My cousin visited recently for dinner. Him and I thereafter went on a shopping adventure, which was good fun.

Dyland is off on a broadcasting adventure out west. It was a chance opportunity, but it's awesome how he's got it and is probably off doing well.
He's back tomorrow though so my mini vacation ends soon, haha.

This past friday was a dress rehearsal for the news show. Again, I'm part of 3 TV shows this semester. There's the News Show, for marks and within a class. There's the Client's show, for marks and within a class. And there is the extra curricular show, which as my description suggests is the exception. It's not for marks nor in a class, but the content it creates feeds my resume and feeds one of my class's assignments, so its technically just as viable as the other two. And more enjoyable than the client one thus far...
The Dress rehearsal went well, and though exhausting, was a productivity adrenaline rush. I was assigned as a field camera, to help build packages. I finished quite early, and started helping with graphics a bit. I was then approached for editing...twice! It was a photo finish to completely edit two videos before air time, but I managed it. I then was again on camera for the live show build. I ended up having to put the cameras cord on my shoulder cuz it kept getting tangled with the camera. It was a heavy cord, but eh, I made it work.
This friday I am again at it, but I believe this coming week I'm on graphics. I like to imagine I'm decent at that job, since I've made graphics and design my partial hobby. (Thanks RO or something lol)

I'm also still trying to scrap together an essay. I've wised up to the point where I've been working on it for the past week. That said, my luck with writing it hasn't changed. (In fact I'm writing this post to get my mind flowing and my hands feeling the typed flow...if that makes sense.)
I've gone through 2 ideas, and attempted to develop countless more. I'm tentatively settled on an idea, because i feel Hometown is a strong source for all sorts of topics. I'm just plotting how to concise my idea. And hopefully crank out some ideas around it soon after.
(Perhaps I'll just start writing about hometown and see where my ideas take me...hmmm....)

Here's to slight improvement! I really hope this won't be a night before finisher...

I also finally got to sleep in this morning. It was much needed as over the week I find I end up with 4-6 hours of sleep. The lack is no bedtime issue (Though I'm sure that'd be debated haha), but merely due to the busy nature of things happening, obligations and that sort of thing.

Woo content! Alright I'll go work on my essay...


  1. What do you guys use for field cameras typically?

    1. panasonic AG-HPX370P is what I typically get, we also have the 270 and 500 versions. I prefer the 270 for lighter weight, but I'm never that lucky haha.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd2Q6Fagemg

  3. spongebob is golden
