14 hours

With the semester well underway, it has started seemingly less insane than the last one.
Granted, the lack of tetralemma helps, but the point remains.

I have an essay due tomorrow, and depending on how I do on it will determine if I drop the course or stick it out. Historically speaking I'll probably end up sticking it out, especially since I'm just hoping for anything higher than a D. (Heh, D is worst letter...Aside from F)
I know I should have higher expectations but essays are my crutch so anything higher than a D is a vast improvement regardless. Plus at C or higher I have room to improve my grade so it's not complete trash. (Plus as part of my degree I need to get C or higher to have it count )
Tomorrow is a big day! We shall see how it turns out.
For reference, I wrote this first essay about living in Hometown in the second year. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If I've seemed hard to get a hold of, you'll probably find me on my sister's server. Granite City Stories haven't left, and Dyland got many other broadcaster classmates on it. So many in fact, we're managing to clock out the servers capabilities. I may be migrating it to my house when I build a server (Have to still run the idea by my sister) But I know the internet here has greater bandwidth capibility so it'd be a better fit. Plus then my sister could use her internets again, lol.

Trixie's been very sick recently, she seems to be bouncing back now but over the past 24 hours it's been bumpy. Yesterday was a bit hectic due to it, though I managed to still get SWN time in.

Later this month a certain someone is coming to visit. As well, dyland's girlfriend will be visiting at the same time. A week thereafter my uncle comes for his annual ski trip visit. Starting Feb 13 PTE posts may get spotty, though figuring this one took over a week I supppose things will just be same as usual.

I'd post more if I wasn't so busy, but thats how it goes. This past friday I had a 14 hour day: 8 hours of making a news show (I was the graphics person this week, and I loved it), and 6 hours of broadcast live streaming volleyball games. (The guys game went decent, the girls game was tougher. They got weird about how close I was filming. It was the spot I had filmed the guys game from. I didn't choose the spot. But I moved anyway.)

Yeah after the 14 hour day I was Hometown-Year-2 level exhausted. Kinda a familiar feeling. Not a truly bad one, cuz I felt pretty productive. But I do not want to feel that tired daily. Or weekly. Maybe once a month at most.

Anyway, Hopefully this blurble was worth the wait. I'll try to get more post-saavy, though no guarentees. Busy times!