Champion Theme

I can quite honestly say I'm going to be working on 3 seperate TV shows this semester. I'm nervous since one RO project typically has me burning candles at both ends, so this will prove how productive/available/capable I truly am.

Aside from that insanity, I have 2 projects due in 2 weeks that I'm trying to get a good handle on as early as possible. One is a larger video project, which I really hope works out well since booking equipment is both strenuous and trickier now. (Hours are 10x shorter, online form is apparently not working right, other fun stuff.) I ended up with a tank of a camera that pretty much outweighs me, and I'm going to have to try my best to get lighting right...

My head swims, but this is definitely final semester. The slam begins already and next month is both not coming fast enough and coming too fast.
Practicum is also a burning hole at the back of my mind, but I've got too much going on to focus on it atm.
(Insert comments of wisdom telling me otherwise here)

Still at it! Fight-o!


  1. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

  2. Replies
    1. BallIEVE it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free-hee-hee!
