[Business] Golden Silver

I have good news. I have bad news. The bad news has a silver lining!

I'm an optimist these days, so normally I'd tell the good news last. In this case though, I gotta tell it all in above order.

The good news is: I got a practicum!! There was confusion for a bit, as my e-mail account is glitching out and not receiving messages from certain addresses. The problem is yet to be truly resolved (And frankly I'm most likely just going to switch over to g-mail, there's no excuse for a multi-million dollar company's email service to have this issue. *cough* outlook *cough*) but after a back and forth I got in contact and a practicum was set!
It will run from early May til roughly late June. The goal is to complete 120 hours of work, whilst gaining experience and knowledge as much as I can to prepare me for the field at large.

The bad news is: I'm not going to Hometown for a bit, as I'm now too busy. The silver lining is though, that because this practicum timed in awesomely, August is kept open. It is very likely that in August I will visit Hometown.
More on that will come as plans get set, but for now, August is the month for Hometowners to look forward to.

Now I imagine the next question: What about moving back to Hometown?
Well my answer to that is... To Be Continued. 

1 comment:

  1. https://40.media.tumblr.com/193ac6f70293e9f71fcf8385cac9e8c9/tumblr_inline_o5siibnBKl1rrtsao_540.png
