[Leisure] New City adventures

With my cousin here in New City, it's been quite busy. We've gone on day trips and biking adventures and are currently out of country even. 

Posting will likely stay delayed as after returning from this trip, more day trips are planned to follow, with the hometown trip coming right thereafter. It's definitely been very helpful not being employed during this time since things have been 'go go go'.

The hometown trip will run until mid August. Posting will likely become slightly more frequent thereafter, since the now real job search will begin. Hopefully, I can find something where I add great value while being worthy. 

Next update coming...eventually! 

PS I joined the dark side


  1. I have this feeling that I won't get to see you when you come visit, seeing as your schedule is already mostly full, I don't have my work schedule yet, and I also have some friends from out of town coming to stay with me around the same time... kind of a bummer, but I also understand.
    Lately I've been feeling kinda guilty that I don't try to keep in touch with you more, maybe once your trips are over and you have a little time we can try to have an IM chat or something at least :P
    And good luck with job hunting!

    1. I'm sorry that your premonition proved true, things definitely weren't in the cards this time. I appreciate your understanding though, and share it!
      All good, I feel guilty for the same but am always so afraid to bother people, its a frustrating feeling...! I'm always a text away for sure, as I'm known to constantly check there, but I'm down for any method of connection :)
      Thank you! My heart races just thinking about it, but I shall try...round 3!
